
Discovering Something Shiney

Is a place where the word becomes a part of our hearts, it renews our mind and it strengthens our soul.

How do we experience joy when our circumstances are screaming “pain” or peace when the world around us is full of ciaos? There is only one place I know of and I found at the bottom of a pit called, my life. It was God’s word who rescued me. It came to life in ways that words can only attempt to explain and yet here I am, in every effort to use what God has given me to share with a hurt and broken world, Jesus is real and He is love, in its purest form.

I used to think God saved me from some terrible relationship I was in but He really saved me from myself. He is no respecter of men, what He does for one, He will do for another. So, I invite you to come and see what God has done.